Alison Reigate

Vice-Chair of Angmering Parish Council

What part of the village do you live in?

I live in the southern part of the village on the Downs Way Estate having moved down from Croydon on seaside and country homes transfer 6 years ago.

What is your background?

I worked in administration for the most of my mature life within the commercial and NHS systems. This was after having brought up 3 children as a single parent. I felt more unfulfilled within these roles the older I got resulting in a complete career change at the age of 58 to become a Teaching Assistant in a Primary school in Croydon. I carried on in this field when I moved to Angmering in another Primary school and worked well past retirement age and then as a volunteer. I also have 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren to keep me amused!

What made you want to become a Councillor?

I felt that people who occupied social housing and rental properties were under represented on councils and committees and I was in a prime position to bring their perspective on Community issues.

What do you hope to achieve during your time as a Councillor?

My aims are to make a more engaged feeling within the community by promoting more involvement by everyone to maintain and improve our wonderful environment within the village. So much more can be achieved by people pulling together.

What are your other interests?

Apart from my family and my dog I love to make use of our beautiful beaches for swimming and the countryside for walks.

Please feel free to email Alison at the following address -

Alison represents South Angmering Ward

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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.