What’s On


These include events arranged by the Parish Council, which can be found under the APC Events tab above, ​and those organised by others in the parish, which can be found by clicking on the Community Events tab.

Alternatively we have an Events page on Facebook where you can keep up to date with all events organised by us.

Residents are warmly welcomed to all events and we are always grateful for volunteers to help set them up or to help run them on the day. If you are interested in helping at a particular event, please get in touch with the Parish Office.


Please click on individual news items below for more information, or alternatively click on one of the links to the right in order to look at particular categories of news.

Information about highway works and road closures is provided by West Sussex County Council, whose Highways team may be contacted on 01243 642105.


A consultation on proposals for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Sussex and Brighton


A consultation on proposals for a Mayoral Combined Authority for Sussex and Brighton is now open and everyone across the county is invited to have their say.The government is running the…


Have Your Say on the Local South Downs Plan Review


An eight-week consultation begins this month as the national park invites people to have their say on how and when development takes place.This is a hugely important year for the National Park as…

Precept 2025/2026


Precept for Residents of Angmering Explained.What is a Precept: The precept is the parish council’s share of the council tax. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, in Angmering’s…


Essential Local Contacts


Arun District Council - 01903 737500 - Arun District Council | Arun District CouncilArun District Council Mobile App Download - Arun District Council mobile app | Arun District Council Arun…


Angmering Sports Hub project


The planning application for the Angmering Sports Hub has been submitted and can now be viewed via the planning portal, using reference A/222/24/PL. To read more click on the Planning Portal Link.


Angmering Community Survey 2024 - Have Your Say.


Welcome to the Angmering Community Survey 2024. We are currently updating our annual plan and we need your help. Please answer all the questions in this survey - by doing so you will help influence…


Are You Scam Savvy?



Angmering Community Hub - DRAFT Plans


IntroductionAngmering Parish Council is poised to embark on an exciting and transformative project that aims to redefine community engagement and support within our parish. Our proposal outlines…

How to have your say on planning applications


We were very pleased to welcome a good number of residents to our 3 “How to have your say on planning applications” sessions. Our Planning Consultant had some top tips for making your comments…

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for year ending 31 March 2024


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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email: admin@angmering-pc.gov.uk

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.