Climate Action Plan and Recycling Initiatives


Angmering Parish Council are committed to working towards aims of our Climate Action Plan (available to download below).

We are working with other agencies to try and increase awareness of the schemes that are out there and doing what we can to bring further recycling opportunities to the residents of Angmering.

Soft Plastics - Bring in your soft plastics to either the parish office in the village or to the Angmering Community Centre and one of our dedicated councillors will collect and take the plastics to a local supermarket for recycling.

Batteries - Bring your used batteries into the parish office in the village and these will be recycled.

Stamps - We are currently collecting stamps for the 1st Angmering Scouts.

Bras - Take your unwanted bras to the Angmering Community Centre where they will be recycled for charity.

Renewable Energy Access for Communities and Households - Reducing energy costs and combatting climate change in Angmering and the surrounding area - several events were put on in conjunction with East Preston Parish Council and West Sussex County Council. These events were to highlight our plan to get solar panels on as many homes and businesses as possible in Angmering and the surrounding area. So far the group have:
• Conducted a geospatial survey of Angmering to assess the potential for solar power in the parish
• Developed a plan with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to pilot this in East Preston and Angmering

More information was given at these events and more will be available soon - so watch this space.

Food Waste - The Littlehampton Fridge hold various sessions in Angmering, East Preston, Rustington and Littlehampton. Follow them on Facebook for dates and times. More information available from the leaflet below “Need Food” leaflet.

Electric Van - As our trusty APC van is getting older we are currently looking into the possibility of providing our Groundsman with an electric van.

We continue to work closely with WSCC and their West Sussex recycles initiative and officers attend our Angmering Revealed event with more information for residents.

If you can think of any initiatives you would like us to look into, then please do let us know.

Please see below for a downloadable copies of

  • Climate Action Plan
  • Recycling Initiative Poster
  • Recycling Initiative Leaflet (which lists all plastics we recycle)
  • Copy of our REACH poster
  • Need Food Leaflet
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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.