Precept and Budget Approved for 2021-2022

In the Autumn we undertook our first ever online survey to gain your views on aspects of the village that the Parish Council can affect, as well as ideas for wider projects. We were amazed at the response, with ideas from young people about what would support them in the village to suggestions about helping to improve access to the South Downs National Park. What was as great to see was 73 people offered to volunteer to be involved in activities to enhance our village – thank you!

In addition to this we held Councillor consultation sessions to gain their insight into aspirations for the village and community during the next financial year and beyond. Everyone found these really positive, with some practical ideas, as well as aspirations that would require more work and a plan for external funding sources to make them come to fruition.

This has enabled us to create our business plan for 2021/22, a Parish Development Plan for 2022 and beyond, as well as aid the budget setting process.

The Council were determined to deliver a balanced and effective budget and during a Full Parish Council meeting held on 11 January 2021, the budget was approved and Councillors voted unanimously to not increase the precept for 2021/22. This is the first time that this has been achieved for over 8 years, and as Councillors we hope that this helps recognise the challenges that many will be facing during these unprecedented times whilst still allowing us to deliver the high standards expected of us.

**Please note that whilst Angmering Parish Council have agreed to not raise its precept, your council tax bill may still go up due to other organisations such as Arun District Council, West Sussex County Council and the Police increasing theirs.**,

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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.