Precept 2025/2026

Precept for Residents of Angmering Explained.

What is a Precept: The precept is the parish council’s share of the council tax.  The precept demand goes to the billing authority, in Angmering’s case this is Arun District Council, which collects the tax for the Parish Council. 

How the precept is calculated: Each parish council forecasts how much money it is going to need the following year. This is then divided by the number of properties in the parish that fall into Band D Council Tax bands. Your council tax banding will be shown on your council tax bill, or you can search for it by using this link:

The table below shows precept demands for previous years, and for 2025/2026. 

Please note that your council tax bill may still go up as other councils/services are still able to increase their portion of the final demand. 

YearPrecept AmountTax BasePer  “D” housePercentage rise


What can you expect for 2025/2026: During a meeting on Monday 13 January 2025, a discussion took place and the following was put forward -  0% increase in the precept amount for Angmering residents, this was unanimously agreed. This means it will remain at £107.87 for a band D property - for the 5th year running.  

The rest of your council tax demand goes to Arun District Council, West Sussex County Council and Sussex Police – please note that these amounts may rise, and you will be able to see your final council tax amount when the demand notice comes through in March 2025.

By keeping our precept amount the same for the fifth year in a row we are confident that we can still deliver on projects included in our annual plan, continue to maintain council owned areas to a very high standard and also move forward on some exciting projects. These includes the continued improvement of many of the villages most popular events, progressing the Mayflower Park improvements and the plans for the Angmering Community Hub.  

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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.