Angmering Parish Council Response to A/109/20/RES - Land South of Water Lane, Angmering



Approval of reserved matters following outline consent A/99/17/OUT for 175 No dwellings & associated infrastructure. This application may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character & appearance of the Angmering Conservation Area & falls within Strategic Site SD9, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated).

DECISION: Objection

COMMENT: The Development Site is a prominent landscape feature as you enter the village from the north and these agricultural fields play an important part in helping Angmering retain its rural status. The proposed height, design and density of the development would take much of this away and the APC remains opposed to it. There is also a potential of flood risks to others.

Building Design

The house designs are featureless and out of character with surrounding properties. It seems that little regard has been paid to ADC’s new Design Guide. The block of flats is totally out of keeping with any other property in the village and, by its location in the proposed layout, would be the first building to be seen if entering the village from the A280. There are little differences, apart from finishes, to distinguish properties from one character area to another.

Layout and open spaces

The open space in the center of the site appears inadequate and it is noted that the area is further reduced by indentations for parking spaces for 8 cars. Its location will do little to promote community engagement and it is felt that the layout of the site should be such to allow more of a ”village green” approach. The area around the Black Ditch is unsuitable as a recreational space due to the frequent “boggy” nature of the ground.


We concur with Council’s drainage engineer that there is insufficient information to establish whether there is adequate space in the site layout for surface water drainage. The WSCC and EA, in considering the Angmering Flood Alleviation Scheme, are currently investigating whether the proposed bridge access over the Black Ditch should be replaced with an embankment containing a box culvert controlling flood water from a basin formed immediately up stream. As indicated by the Council’s engineer this may alter drainage requirements within the site. It is important that surface water drainage in the south east of the site does not exacerbate flooding which occurs in the area of the nearby Ecclesden Lane/A280 junction. This is highlighted in an objection to the scheme from a member of the public.

 Tree Buffer on Eastern Boundary

At outline application the ADC required a 10 m wide Buffer of tree planting along the whole of the eastern boundary of the site.. This was a requirement so that only glimpses of roofs would be possible from 5 selected view points in the SDNP. The Inspector examining Arun’s Development Plan was particularly concerned that this should be the case and was promised that it would be achieved by sufficient tree planting. Members of the ADC DC Committee were also given that promise before they approved the Outline application. After comments from the SDNP, ADC Planning officers actually sought a buffer width of 15 m but this was rejected by Rydons, the developer at that time.

This application for approval of reserved matters shows a buffer that appears to be less than 10 m in width, and this is further eroded by indentations for car parking. Towards the north of the site the width reduces to practically nothing. The width must remain at a minimum of 10 m over the whole eastern boundary with adequate tree planting to fulfil its purpose. Where there is car parking it should increase to 12.5 m so as not to compromise the minimum required width. 

Construction Plan

The construction plan for the site build is not included in the documents listed on the ADC Planning Portal. It is presumed these will be a condition to any approval. The APC would be opposed to any significant use of the entrance in the High Street adjacent The Spotted Cow.

The full application can be viewed using the following link

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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.