Angmering Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 - Submission Version

Following completion of the Pre-Submission stage of the plan process, which involved collation of all responses received to the Pre-Submission Consultation and making necessary amendments to the Plan document, the Angmering Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 was submitted to Arun District Council on 8 September 2014, as required by Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

A 6 week consultation was then held, which ran until 22 October 2014.

The Plan was then put forward for examination, and the Examiner’s report was published on 14 November 2014.

Below, for reference, is the Submission Version of the Plan, and associated documentation, in list form; pdf copies of each document listed can be obtained from the Downloads section at the bottom of the page.

Plan and Appendices:

Angmering Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 Submission Version

Angmering NDP - Appendix A - SHLAA Sites

Angmering NDP - Appendix B - Maps

Angmering NDP - Appendix C - Listed Buildings

Angmering NDP - Appendix D - Buildings of Special Character

Angmering NDP - Appendix E - Assets of Community Value and Local Green Spaces

Angmering NDP - Appendix F - Safe Routes to School

Angmering NDP - Appendix G - Traffic and Movement

Angmering NDP - Appendix H - References

Angmering NDP - Appendix I - Glossary of Terms

Consultation Statement:

Consultation Statement

CS Appendix A - Newspaper Cuttings

CS Appendix B - Extract from PC Meeting Minutes 2011-2014

CS Appendix C - Open Day Poster

CS Appendix D - Newsletters

CS Appendix E - Registration Document

CS Appendix F - Pre-Submission Newsletter

CS Appendix G - Consultee List

CS Appendix H - Timetable

CS Appendix I - Pre-Submission Leaflet Drop

CS Appendix J - 2 Posters

CS Appendix K - Historic Timeline

CS Appendix L - (1) Drop-in Poster Angmering Village Life

CS Appendix L - (2) Drop-in Poster

CS Appendix M - Plan Responders

CS Appendix N - Drop-in Session Paperwork

CS Appendix O - Working Group Questions

CS Appendix P - Angmering NP Survey

CS Appendix Q - St Margaret’s School Presentation

CS Appendix R - Responses

CS Appendix S - ADC Pre-Submission Consultation Feedback

CS Appendix T - Rydon-Sigma Response

CS Appendix T - (1) Rydon Homes Response

Basic Condition Statement:

Basic Conditions Statement

Supporting Documents:

Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 Background Documents


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Angmering Parish Council Office Update


The Angmering Parish Council office remains closed as further drying out is needed to  in order to make safe before any repairs and redecoration can commence.

All staff are working from home and can be contacted during normal office hours on Tel: 01903 772124 and Email:

If you have soft plastics or bras to recycle please take them to the Angmering Community Centre, where they will be collected by Councillor Alan Evans and sent for recycling.