Community Land Trust

What is a Community Land Trust?

A Community Land Trust is a not for profit, community-based organisation that develops housing or other assets at permanently affordable levels for long-term community benefit. It can provide housing through shared equity, outright sale on the open market, for affordable rental or a combination of the above.

As well as affordable housing, Angmering Community Land Trust is interested in using land and buildings for purposes defined by members of the community, including some or all of the following:

  • Flood prevention
  • Community farming
  • Allotments
  • Recreational facilities
  • Sports facilities
  • Public toilets
  • Other community facilities.

Why a Community Land Trust for Angmering?

Community Land Trusts help put a community in the driving seat by bringing them together to take forward development opportunities in their area. All members of a community have the chance to have direct influence on decision making through a membership based model. This then generates engagement, community cohesion and, in time, allows latent skills to be harnessed for the benefit of the Community Land Trust.

Further Information

For more information, 

visit the Angmering Community Land Trust website at


Facebook @AngmeringCLT

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